12 Monkeys TV Series Wiki

"Yesterday" is the eighth episode of Season 1 of 12 Monkeys. It aired at 9:00 p.m. on March 6, 2015 on Syfy.


The Core that powers the time machine is fading. To get Cole back from the past, Jones must convince her former colleagues at the military operation "Spearhead" that her mission is worth saving.[1]


The episode picks up exactly where ”The Keys” left off. Cole hasn’t returned from Chechnya and Jones and Ramse are worried.

Jones reveals to Ramse that she survived a political uprising led by a man named Col. Foster, someone she worked closely with during the beginnings of the virus and it’s devastating mutation. Jones admits that there was only one true way to ”cure” the plague: to undo it completely. She also reveals that there were two power cores out there with her taking one and the disgruntled Foster taking the other. She also revealed a bit of mythology telling Ramse that the virus has mutated twice since the outbreak and that even the immune probably wouldn’t survive another change.

Ramse ventures out into the night and we cut back to 2015. Cole wakes up in the house in Chechnya. It’s been blown to bits and he’s in bad shape but shockingly, he’s still alive. Hooray! Not so hooray: he has to remove the bullet that is lodged in his leg. It’s gross. He hears voices and calls for help. They hear him and ask his name. It sounds like a girl and her father. She tells Cole that her father wants to know if anyone knows he’s there. Uh-oh...

Aaron and Cassie meet with Senator Royce. Cassie has expressed some discomfort at letting Cole go, knowing he was on a death wish. They need to know if anyone survived the drone strike on the house which of course Royce is not happy with as they agreed to not speak of it again. However, he tells Cassie and Aaron that he can confirm he removed all of the other bodies but Cole was never found. She asks to go to Chechnya to confirm that the area is clear operating under the CDC.

Back in 2043, Whitley and Ramse are about to go up against Foster and Whitley informs Ramse that Foster’s head of security is also his father. Whoops! As they enter the government facility, which is in really good shape and I’m honestly surprised that this is the first time we’ve ever been exposed to this type of location in 2043, Whitley is uncomfortable. Foster is unaware that the Splinter program actually worked and is sarcastically confused about why the timeline hasn’t been corrected yet. They ask for the second core and he declines. He shows them that they’re using their power source to attempt to engineer a vaccine to anticipate mutations and ”cure the plague.”

Ramse recognizes someone who looks like a doctor that he calls Amanda and she calls him Jose. They clearly had a relationship at one point. She was a scav and now she’s a lab tech in this shiny, nice facility. She had to leave to protect her little boy, Samuel. What? Amanda introduces Ramse, or Jose, to Sam, her son who is five years old. I think this is Ramse’s kid, y’all! Naturally, he’s upset.

Back at the compound Jones is running a Hail Mary mission to try and Splinter Cole back. She’s going to put all of the energy that the compound has left and the fragile state of the core on the line to bring him back. There is an explosion and it doesn’t work. Instead Cole feels the impact still in the wreckage of the house. The core is dead and the compound only has about 48 hours left.

Meanwhile, Cassie is about to leave for Chechnya. Aaron supports her in her choice to go. She asks him to come with her but he refuses. He thinks she needs to go on her own. They smooch. Okay, this thing is officially back on then!

Ramse and Sam chat. It’s pretty cute. Ramse is a good guy. I hope things work out for him. He’s pulled away by Whitley who tells him things are about to get interesting. Jones is there and she looks serious. She knows she’s not welcome there. They sit down together for dinner. Foster tells Jones he knows she wants his stabilizer for their core but she corrects him: she’s there for the entire thing.

He offers her the core in exchange for her services at his facility to work for a cure. She insists that there is no cure. He tells her she’s wrong, there is a natural order of things. Jones isn’t going to take that lying down and reminds him of the ”natural order” that led him to murder those who opposed him, as she said, ”in the name of hope.” Her clincher are photos of Foster and his wife which he knows were burned in a fire when Atlanta fell. She tells him that her man that she sent back in time retrieved them for her. Unfortunately, he won’t be moved and burns the photos.

Elsewhere, Ramse and Elana talk. They kiss and he tells her that he will be back. Ramse is tempted—maybe they can find a cure? Jones and her fellow scientists shoot this notion down immediately. As far as she’s concerned, all they need to worry about is getting Cole back but Ramse points out that they can’t do that unless she takes Foster’s deal. Whitley follows Jones and privately tries to sway her to take the deal. Instead, Jones decides that they’re going to steal the core ”by any means necessary.” Yikes. This doesn’t look good for Foster...

In 2015, Cole is still trapped. He hasn’t splintered and is talking to the little girl whose father has gone for help. She’s sick, presumably with the virus. Cole asks her to call Cassie but she tells him that help will be there soon. Cassie is in Chechnya searching for Cole. The little girl returns to tell him he’s safe just as Cassie pulls up to the military guards standing by the scene of the drone strike. They lower a harness for him and men in hazmat suits pull him out. Meanwhile, Cassie overlooks the scene of the blast and sees nothing. What the what?!

Cole realizes that when Jones tried to Splinter him back to 2047 he jumped two years accidentally. The plague has spread. Cole, bloodied and bruised, manages to walk to the edge of the hills. He overlooks the valley to find bodies lined up to be destroyed. None of it worked; he’s stuck there and Cassie has no idea.



Cassandra Railly and Aaron Marker are concerned that Cole's body may still be in Chechnya and decide to seek a meeting with Senator Royce, Aaron's (former) boss.

Cassie convinces Senator Royce to sponsor her trip to Chechnya under CDC jurisdiction. Royce says there are questions about Cole.

Aaron says traveling to Chechnya to make sure someone is not there is crazy. He tells Cassie he will be there when she gets back.

Cassie convinces a cab driver to to take her toward the site of the explosion for a generous payment.

Cassie enter's the site of the blast and calls Aaron to tell him that no one survived the blast and that Cole's body is not there. She concludes that Cole saved the future.

Cassie looks at the site of he explosion.


The attempt to retrieve Cole to 2043 inadvertently moved him to 2017. He removes a piece of shrapnel from his leg. He hears a woman's voice and calls for help.

Cole identifies himself to Aza, who speaks English. Her father asks if anyone knows Cole is there.

Aza's father tries to help Cole move a beam that has him trapped.

Cole begins to splinter but does not leave 2017.

Aza tells Cole help is coming. He says he has to find a telephone and call his friend (Cassie), who is a doctor. Aza responds that help is coming.

Aza's father and his men lower a seat made of canvas to Cole.

Cole learns from Aza that the virus got out and that there has been a worldwide plague. Whens he is told that the year is 2017, he realizes that he jumped forward two years.

Cole walks to the brow of a hill and looks at the devastation below.


Katarina Jones makes an attempt to retrieve James Cole from Chechnya. The core of the splintering machine becomes unstable and the machine must be shut down.

Jones's staff determines that the only way to repair the splintering machine is to get another manifold from Spearhead. Jones tells Ramse to go with Marcus Whitley because Ramse wants Cole back.

Whitley and Ramse arrive at Spearhead. Whitley tells Jonathan Foster that Jones has successfully sent someone back in time. Foster is skeptical, want to know where the utopia she promised can be found. Foster refuses to trade away his spare manifold. He shows Whitley and Ramse his computer complex and says he is on the verge of discovering a vaccine that will be able to anticipate mutations to the Kalavirus before they occur. When Ramse says he has a friend stuck in the past, Foster wishes him luck.

Ramse sees Elena, who was once his lover and who addresses him by his first name, José. Each is amazed that the other is alive. Ramse learns that he and Elena have a son, Samuel, who knows nothing about Ramse.

Jones thinks there is a chance to retrieve Cole with generator power.

Parts of the splintering machine explode. The core of the splintering machine is dead.

Elena explains to Ramse that she did not decide not to tell her son about his father not because Ramse is not worthy but because she does not know what Sam's future will be. Elena believes in Foster; Ramse does not.

Ramse is about to teach Sam how to play Go when Whitley calls him to witness Jones's arrival at Spearhead. Foster invites everyone to dinner.

At dinner, Jones explains that she has a man trapped in the past. Foster chides her and asks what portion of his body she wants to bring back. Ramse reminds both that lives are at stake and that they are have a contest over superiority. Foster says he will loan his power core if Jones comes to work for him afterward to find a cure for the plague. Jones refuses and shows Foster a picture of him and his wife from before the plague. Jones and Foster move into his office and she explains that the man she sent back in time retrieved the photos, which were last seen in Atlanta, for her. Foster burns the photo.

Ramse is called to return to base and promises Elena that he will return.

Back at Project Splinter, Ramse, Whitley and others discuss whether Foster makes sense. Jones explains hat he does not because the Kalavirus keeps mutating and all Foster has done is find a solution to the last mutation. After she clears the room, Jones tells Whitley that will take Spearhead's power core however they can.

Production Notes[]



